(Effective as of April 14, 2022)
The following bylaws shall be subject to, and governed by, the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of Ohio and the Articles of Incorporation of Ohio Valley Jeep Club. In the event a direct conflict between the herein contained provisions of these bylaws and the mandatory provisions of the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of Ohio, said Non-Profit Corporation Laws shall be the prevailing controlling law. In the event of a direct conflict between the provisions of these bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of Ohio Valley Jeep Club, it shall then be these bylaws which shall be controlling.
Article 1 – Name and Contact Information
The legal name of the Non-Profit Organization shall be known as Ohio Valley Jeep Club, and hereafter in this document referred to as ‘OVJC’, or ‘Club’.
The club mailing address: P.O. Box 161, Reno, Ohio 45773
The club email address: ohiovalleyjeepclub@gmail.com
The club website address: www.ohiovalleyjeepclub.com
The club Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ohiovalleyjeepclub/
Article 2 – Purpose/Mission
The Ohio Valley Jeep Club is organized as a Non-Profit Organization for the purpose of:
Providing recreational, social, and educational activities for its members.
Participating in and supporting civic activities, enjoying and protecting all local, state, and federal resources and assisting various government agencies with the development of off-road trails, areas, and parks.
OVJC is a group of Jeep owners whose goal is to plan activities and outings to promote our love for Jeeps and adventure with good friends through day trips, cookouts, and participating in charity events to support and give back to our community while at the same time spending family time enjoying our rides and events.
To adhere to the principles of the Tread Lightly program.
This club shall be a Non-Profit Organization, bringing together and promoting the interest of four wheeling and trail rides, as well as enjoying our country’s natural resources.
OVJC is a Family Oriented Club. All club activities are planned with both Adult and Minors involvement and enjoyment in mind.
Members input and suggestions are always welcome.
Article 3 – Membership and Dues
To be a member of the Ohio Valley Jeep Club, you must own a Jeep and have a valid interest in helping promote our club values and standards. (The Founders recognize that the definition of a Jeep vehicle is one which has been produced by AMC, Willy's, Kaiser, Jeep, Chrysler or DaimlerChrysler and Fiat...and not to use Jeep as a generic term meaning any sport utility or 4-wheel drive vehicle.)
Club members must be at least 18 years of age.
Each membership includes immediate household family members.
All members must conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly fashion during all club activities.
Vehicles used by members during club events must be properly insured according to the applicable laws of their state of residency or vehicle registration (if registered).
Members or drivers of a club member’s vehicle during club events must have a valid Driver’s License.
Members must comply with all applicable safety regulations according to Article 6, as well as any park rules and regulations.
Members who participate in club events are responsible for their own lodging, admission fees, food, fuel, and any other expenses of said club events, unless arrangements for club funds have been approved by the club or the Club Officers prior to the event.
Any member of the club who intentionally damages or destroys public or private property, or willfully violates the club bylaws, local, state, of federal law(s) while participating in any club activity will be expelled immediately.
Members who intentionally bash/badmouth other clubs and/or members of other clubs, bash/badmouth OVJC and/or members of OVJC will be expelled immediately.
Members will not promote and/or obligate OVJC in a collaborative event/activity with another club without prior written approval from the Club Officers.
Membership in the club is a privilege; membership can be revoked at any time.
Should any member bring legal action against OVJC, that member and their family’s membership will be revoked immediately and banned indefinitely from rejoining OVJC.
Currently OVJC does not require annual dues to be a member of the club.
Money collected such as donations will be used for club purchases, expenditures for club activities, charitable contributions, and operational expenses. Other expenses will be voted upon by the officers. The Club Officers must audit monthly expenditures.
Article 4 – Ohio Valley Jeep Club OFFICIAL Logo, Decal, and Banner
The official Ohio Valley Jeep Club Logo, Decal and Banner are described as follows:
1. The Logo is white or color lettering in the OVJC official font, and graphics depicting a Jeep Grill. The Jeep Grill has the image of the state of Ohio cut out on the left headlight and the state of West Virginia cut out on the right headlight. The words "Ohio Valley Jeep Club" are above the Jeep Grill with the tag line “Family-Community-Adventures” below the Jeep Grill.
2. The Decal is approximately 6" in length with white or color lettering in the OVJC official font, and graphics depicting a Jeep Grill. The Jeep Grill has the image of the state of Ohio cut out on the left headlight and the state of West Virginia cut out on the right headlight. The words "Ohio Valley Jeep Club" are above the Jeep Grill.
3. The Banner is approximately 40” in length and 3” in height, with white or color lettering in official OVJC font, and may include a white or color border around each letter. The words “Ohio Valley Jeep Club” make up the entirety of the banner.
The club name, logo, decal, and banner as described, are intellectual property of Ohio Valley Jeep Club and may not be reproduced or altered in any manner without the specific written consent of the Founders on official OVJC letterhead. Any
unauthorized reproduction of the Ohio Valley Jeep Club name, logo, or banner is prohibited.
Official OVJC club merchandise such as; decals, banners, shirts, etc. must be purchased through the club. Proceeds from the sales official OVJC club merchandise is used for club purchases, expenditures for club activities, charitable contributions, and
operational expenses.
Changes and/or alterations to the club name, logo, and banner may only be made with a 2/3 majority vote of the officers.
Article 5 – Meetings
The club will conduct a minimum number of events annually which will be published on the club website, Facebook, and Band App. Founders and officers will each attend at least three (3) rides, events, or activities annually as well as a minimum of three (3) bi-monthly officer meetings. The annual OVJC Anniversary Ride and annual OVJC Cookout do not count as part of the attendance requirement of at least three (3) rides, events, or activities annually. Virtual attendance is acceptable with prior approval from the OVJC President to meet the minimum of three (3) bi-monthly officer meetings.
Club event dates shall be published on the club website, Facebook, and Band App. and are subject to change. Changes will be noted on the website, Facebook, and Band App.
Whenever possible, all major club decisions shall be made during officer meetings by 2/3 majority vote of the officers present. Major decisions include but are not limited to expenditure of funds for food during a club event, location and date for the Annual Cookout, changes of the date of major events, etc.
Article 6 – Vehicle Safety
All vehicles used at OVJC events/rides must have adequate equipment for legal operation.
Seat belts are required for all occupants.
Possession of firearms are subject to Federal, State, and local laws, and park regulations.
It is the intent of OVJC to promote safe and fun four wheeling. It is recommended that, for trail ride events, all vehicles shall be equipped with basic safety & recovery equipment including, but not limited to:
CB/Communication equipment in working order.
Fire Extinguisher
Roll bar/cage for removable top Jeeps
Full size spare/jack
Recovery strap with no hooks
Substantially mounted front and rear tow points
Clevis/shackle screw type or soft shackle
First aid kit
5. The Trail Boss and/or on-site Club Officer will dictate or authorize Jeeps on the trails. If a Jeep does not meet requirements for the ride the Trail Boss and/or on-site Club Officer may request the Jeep to not participate in the ride for safety reasons.
Article 7 – Alcohol/Illegal Substances
Alcohol or illegal substances are not allowed while driving as per applicable law(s). If these violations occur during a club trail ride, parade, or event, the member/s will be asked to stop participating in the trail ride, parade, or event.
Alcohol is permitted at camp outs or other non-motorized club activities.
Illegal substances are not permitted at any OVJC non-motorized club activities.
Article 8 – Administration and Officers
The officers of OVJC shall consist of President, VP/Events Director, Treasurer/Veterans Director, Safety Director, Events Coordinator, Administrator, Trail Boss, and Webmaster/Merchandise Director.
The fiscal year for the club shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. All budgeting, and financial accounting shall be rendered on this basis.
Any property; real, personal or interest therein; or equipment purchased by the club shall not be considered property of any individual member or group of members but shall be known as club property.
In the event of the club disbanding, all club property shall be sold. The sale will be coordinated by the Club Officers. All monies present at the time of disbanding and after the sale of club property will be donated to a charity chosen by the Founders.
Article 9 – Duties and powers of Officers
Preside over and attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible, along with other officers (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Final approval of all suggestions/events presented by club officers/members;
Promote, maintain, and enforce club bylaws;
Carry out all policies and decisions to the membership;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available; and
Tie Breaker, vote counts as two (2) in the event of a tie.
Serve as President in their absence;
Ensure integrity of all club votes;
Work with all club officials to ensure club bylaws are followed;
Promote club at all levels;
Collaborate with Events Coordinator to organize all club events;
Primary contact for club member event suggestions;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5; and
Assist President as needed/requested.
Keep track of club funds;
Collect all monies payable to the club and deposit into the club checking account;
Request club expenditure approval from Pres/VP to pay club bills from available club funds;
Keep the club’s financial accounts and shall enter in detail all receipts and disbursements;
Prepare monthly account reports and submit to club President/VP for club records;
Collaborate with Events Director and Events Coordinator on Veteran specific fundraisers and/or events;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5; and
Support and assist all veteran club members as needed.
Dictate or authorize Jeeps on the trails, if a Jeep does not meet requirements for the ride request the Jeep to not participate in the ride for safety reasons;
Oversee driver meetings prior to ride events;
Communicate event safety logistics to members via the FB group, website, and Band App prior to an event, as needed;
Handle all member complaints and/or bring them to the attention of the club president to remediate;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Work directly with the Events Director to organize club events including but not limited to trail rides, charity events, picnic, and parades;
Maintain updated events calendar and submit updated electronic copy to all officers on a monthly basis;
Secondary contact for club member event suggestions;
Present new event, partnership, and sponsor information to officers for vote;
Work with Treasurer when club funds are needed for events;
Maintain updated list of all club partners and sponsor information and submit updated electronic copy to Events Director monthly;
Attend partner and sponsor meetings, as needed;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Prepare club minutes during bi-monthly officer meeting and submit electronic copy to club President/VP for club records;
Maintain a Member Spreadsheet with OVJC Liability Release Waiver form status and submit electronic copy to club President/VP on a monthly basis for club records;
Maintain Donation Request Letter on OVJC letterhead and submit updated copy to all officers, as needed; and
Assist other officers as requested;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Conduct drivers meeting prior to all ride events;
Ensure all trail ride event participants are accounted for at the end of the trail ride event (no Jeeper left behind);
Prepare or acquire and make available a trail ride map for all participants prior to the event;
Communicate with trail ride event participants throughout the ride event;
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5;
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Implement website changes;
Act as liaison between officers and members for access to website updates;
Purchase and sell all club related merchandise;
Develop additional apparel for special events (Jeep Invasion, Anniversary Ride, etc.);
Responsible for leading events/activities you add to the event calendar. If you are unable to lead you must find another officer to lead the event or cancel the event if a replacement is not available;
Be present at all scheduled events when possible (min. requirement of three (3) annual events) as stated in Article 5; and
Attend bi-monthly officer meetings (min. requirement of three (3) officer meetings) as stated in Article 5;
Article 10 – Removal or Replacement of Club Officers
If an officer is unable to uphold the duties or resigns his/her position the remaining officers will take over the responsibilities of the vacated position until a replacement can be found.
In the event that an officer is not upholding the duties of his/her position a motion can be raised by any officer. Removal of an officer requires 2/3 majority vote of officers present.
Article 11 – Volunteers
It is highly recommended that all members choose to volunteer throughout events and activities hosted by the Club. Our club is built on volunteering and it fosters an environment of friendship and comradery.
VOLUNTEER Rules and Responsibilities
If you register to volunteer for a particular position, it is expected you will arrive timely and work through the entire shift.
Volunteers shall NOT consume alcohol during their volunteer period or prior to their work shift.
Volunteers shall conduct themselves in a professional and friendly way. We want everyone to feel welcomed and encouraged to explore their love for the Jeep Life/Family.
Article 12 – Expenditures and Finance
All monies received from all sources shall immediately be turned over to the treasurer.
There will be no reimbursement/refund of any club gifts/donations from members who terminate for any reason.
Any receipt for payment of club funds shall be presented to the treasurer within 30 days of the date on the receipt. All others will not be paid, unless authorized by the Founders.
Article 13 – Amendments
These bylaws can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the officers present for the vote. Any amendment to the bylaws must be presented to the officers at a regular c meeting.
The changes to the bylaws can be voted on whole or item-by-item. The president, or highest-ranking officer, will determine the means of the vote.
Article 14 – Off-Roading Event Guidelines
Adhere to the Tread Lightly program.
Trash – Pack it in – Pack it out.
Club members are responsible for their families and guests.
Wear seat belts.
Help inexperienced drivers on the trail.
Choose your trail line wisely, make good judgment calls while trail riding, don’t be afraid to ask for help from fellow members.
While trail riding, make sure the vehicle directly in front and directly in back is visible at all times.
It is recommended that the members present at a specific club event review a safety procedure, in case of emergency, at the trailhead before an event begins.
Members who participate in a specific club event are responsible for coordination of their own traveling and lodging arrangements unless the club has made special arrangements. In general, those who participate in an event are responsible for organizing the event including travel plans, lodging reservations, and food.
Article 15 – Liability
While trail riding, if you venture on an area not marked, or a closed area, and an officer of the law issues you a ticket, arrests you, or confiscates your vehicle, liability is bore solely by the vehicle owner and/or the person performing the illegal action.
Neither the Ohio Valley Jeep Club (nor its officers or members) is responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to any vehicle. Personal property in vehicles is solely the owner’s responsibility. Each person is participating in OVJC activities voluntarily and are responsible for their own actions
Article 16 – Indemnification
The club, to the extent legally permissible, shall indemnify each of its officers and former officers and may indemnify all agents, employees of the club against all liabilities and expenses, including amounts paid in satisfaction of judgment, in compromise, or as fines, penalties, and counsel fees in connection with the defense or disposition of any action, suit, or other proceedings, whether civil or criminal in which he may be involved in with which he may be threatened, while in office, except with the respect to any matter as to which he shall be adjudicated of any proceeding not to have acted in good faith, if the reasonable belief that his action was in the best interest of the club, however, that as to any matter disposed of by a compromise payment by such officer, employee, or agent, pursuant to a consent decree or otherwise, no indemnification for such payment or for any other expenses shall be provided unless such compromise shall be approved as in the best interest of the club by 2/3 vote of the disinterested members of the Club Officers. The right of indemnification hereby provided shall not be excusive of or affect any other rights to which on officer may be entitled. As used in this paragraph the terms “officer”, “agent”, or “employee” include their respective heirs, executors, and administrators.
These Bylaws are hereby amended and active on the 19th day of April, 2019. Bylaws will go into immediate effect and supported by the current Officers of the Club.
Article 17: Bylaw Revisions
Revision 1: June 29, 2022 – Key changes to Article 4 – Ohio Valley Jeep Club OFFICIAL Logo: added clarification of the description and prohibited unauthorized use of the OVJC name, logo, decal, and banner.